Лучшие Форекс брокеры в России и мире — Рейтинг надежных ТОП брокеров 2023
Автор Павел Маржинов Обновлено 14.06.2023
Для успешной торговли на рынке Forex немаловажное значение имеет выбор брокера. Производить отбор необходимо по нескольким критериям, но один из самых важных критериев — это надежность брокера.
Лучшими по надежности брокерами можно назвать те компании, которые обеспечивают максимальную сохранность денежных средств клиентов. Это может выражаться в страховании депозитов трейдеров, хранении денежных средств клиентов в крупных зарубежных банках и тд.
Банки, которые дают бонусы в сентябре
3000 рублей и бесплатное обслуживание НАВСЕГДА по кредитной карте Тинькофф Platinum.
1000 ₽ за бесплатную кредитную карту Хоум Банка «120 дней без %».
1000 ₽ за бесплатную дебетовую Альфа-карту.
2500 ₽ за любые покупки по кредитной карте «120наВСЕ Плюс.
20% кэшбэк на все покупки и 200 дней без % льготный период на ВСЕ операции по бесплатной кредитной карте ВТБ.
3000 ₽ и 180 дней без % по кредитной карте Газпромбанка.
2000 ₽ за кредитную карту Открытие.
10% кэшбэк на ВСЕ (2000 ₽) за бесплатную детскую карту Альфа-карту.
500 баллов за бесплатную детскую карту Тинькофф Junior.
1500 рублей за дебетовую Тинькофф Блэк.
10 акций в подарок за открытие брокерского счета Альфа-Инвестиции.
Бесплатный год обслуживания и 3000 миль в подарок по кредитке Тинькофф ALL AIRLINES.
4000 ₽ на Финуслугах для открытия вкладов в банке онлайн.
Рейтинг лучших Форекс-брокеров в 2023
В этом обзоре-рейтинге, приведены ТОП-7 самых лучших по надежности брокеров на Форекс по состоянию на 2023 год. Надеюсь, данный рейтинг поможет Вам ответить на вопрос: «Какой Форекс брокер лучше?».
Сейчас для многих это актуально. Поэтому стоит уточнить, что все брокеры, перечисленные ниже работают с гражданами России. Да, не все теперь предлагают русскоязычную форму сайта, но это не мешает торговать россиянам через данные компании.
Альпари — самый лучший и надежный брокер в России
Брокер «Альпари» берет свое начала с далеких 1998 годов. За более чем 22 года компания превратилась из маленького дилингового центра в крупнейшего интернет-брокера Forex. Сегодня услугами компании пользуются более 2 млн. трейдеров со всего мира.
Услугами компании пользуются клиенты из 150 странах. Лицами компании в свое время являлись гроссмейстер Сергей Карякин и комментатор Василий Уткин. Брокер в разное время был спонсором ФК Зенит, Спартак Москва, английского футбольного клуба Вест Хэм Юнайтед, хоккейного клуба New York Rangers (США). Все это говорит о безупречной клиентской и бизнес репутации компании в мире.
Почему Альпари – это ТОП брокер Форекс-индустрии
- Огромный опыт работы – более 22 лет. Безупречная репутация.
- Надежный брокер с 3 международными лицензиями.
- Признан крупнейшим MetaTrader-брокером.
- Брокер №1 по версии Интерфакс.
- Самая популярная и развитая ПАММ-площадка. Позволяет зарабатывать на Форекс, не торгуя самостоятельно, а инвестируя в счета опытных трейдеров. Также это способ зарабатывать для опытных трейдеров на управлении средствами других клиентов.
- Выгодный для клиентов: низкие спреды от 0 пунктов, кэшбэк-программа, нано-счета, конкурсы для новичков и тд.
- Менее 5 минут — это среднее время обработки заявок на вывод средств.
Награды и премии Альпари
- 2015 – Лучший брокер бинарных опционов по версии Finance Magnates Awards.
- 2013-2014 – признавался самым лучшим брокером в России.
- 2013 – признается лучшим Форекс-брокером Европы и Форекс-брокером России.
Открыть бесплатный счет в Альпари
FOREX4YOU — надежный брокер с безупречной международной репутацией
Forex4you — это международный Форекс-бренд компании E-Global Trade & Finance Group, которая зарегистрирована на Британских Виргинских Островах в 2007 году. Лицензированный брокер Forex4You регулируется комиссией по финансовым услугам Financial Services Commission Британских Виргинских островов (Лицензия FSC).
По отзывам трейдеров основными достоинствами компании являются: клиентоориентированность, инновационность, выгодные торговые условия и одна из самых популярных платформ для социального трейдинга (копировании сделок опытных трейдеров).
Forex4you — лучший выбор для начинающих трейдеров, которые имеют небольшой депозит, либо которые хотят копировать сделки более опытных Форекс-трейдеров через платформу Share4You . Для этого предусмотрены счета в разных валютах, в том числе и центовые счета в долларах.
Награды и достоинства Forex4You
- Одна из лучших мобильных платформ для трейдинга Forex4you Trader Room.
- Лучший брокер 2018 по версии Le Fonti.
- Форекс брокер года 2017 в Юго-Восточной Азии по версии авторитетного рейтингового агентства IAIR Award.
- Премия «Лучшее качество обслуживания 2017 года» на выставке Dubai Forex Expo.
- Награда «За создание социальной торговой платформы Share4you» в 2013 году на выставке Moscow Forex Expo.
Открыть счет в Forex4You
FXOpen — надежный ECN брокер на рынке Forex
FXOpen — это надежный ECN брокер, которому доверяют более 1 млн. клиентов по всему миру. Компания FXOpen Markets Limited зарегистрирована на территории Невиса и является членом международной финансовой комиссии.
Клиенты FXOpen получают котировки в режиме реального времени от крупнейших международных банков на рынке Forex — Standard Chartered, Barclays Capital, Bank of America, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank AG, CITI, UBS, GOLDMAN SACHS.
FXOpen гарантирует высочайший уровень обслуживания, строгое соблюдение всех условий торговли и надежность, обеспеченную самыми передовыми технологиями.
Открыть счет в FXOpen
AMARKETS — лучший выбор для успешных трейдеров
Amarkets представляет услуги интернет-трейдинга на Форекс с 2007 года и зарекомендовала себя как надежный международный брокер. Основали компанию молодые специалисты из компании FOREX CLUB.
AMarkets является членом Financial Commission, что подразумевает что каждый клиент защищен страховым фондом на сумму до $20 000 в случае отказа брокером исполнить требования. Кроме того, брокер имеет сертификат Verify My Trade (VMT), который гарантирует быстрое и качественное исполнение клиентских ордеров. Имеет лицензию Financial Services Authority (FSA) — регулятора, защищающего интересы клиентов, пользующиеся платформами Forex. На сегодня это наиболее авторитетный регулятор Форекс индустрии.
Чтобы получить более подробную информацию, рекомендую прочитать обзор брокера.
Награды Amarkets подтверждающие его надежность
- 2020 — Best Value Broker на Ближнем Востоке (Global Forex Awards).
- 2019 — Самый быстроразвивающийся брокер на Ближнем Востоке.
- 2017 — Динамичное развитие по версии IAFT Awards
- 2016 — Лучшие партнерские программы финансовых рынков от RACE Awards.
- 2015 — Лучший CFD-брокер на рынке партнерских программ RACE Awards.
Открыть счет в Amarkets
FX Pro – лучший европейский брокер для российских трейдеров
Следующий брокер в нашем списке «Лучших и надежных брокеров» — зарубежная Форекс корпорация FX Pro. Она была основана в 2006 году в Великобритании и за это время заработала отличную репутацию у трейдеров со всего мира. Особенно пользуется популярностью среди российских и трейдеров из стран СНГ.
В 2023 году FXPRO имеет лицензии британского и кипрского регулятора. Дочерние компании регулируются комиссиями по ценным бумагам Дубая и Багамских островов. Такое количество лицензий серьезных регуляторов говорит о высоком уровне надежности.
Чем FX Pro лучше других брокеров
- Регулируемый брокер во всех серьезных юрисдикциях.
- Лучший брокер 2015-2020 года по версии самого популярного финансового ресурса Financial Times.
- Всего более 60 премий и наград со всего света позволяет считать компанию лучшим зарубежным Форекс брокером.
- Надежность и безопасность депозитов клиентов обеспечена отдельным хранением средств компании и клиентских депозитов. Хранятся они в крупнейших европейских банках.
- Минимальный депозит от 100 долларов.
- Многоязычная поддержка.
Бесплатно открыть счет в FXpro
InstaForex — лучший по надежности брокер в Азии и мире
InstaForex — один из крупнейших брокеров Восточной Европы и Азии. Входит в Топ-5 крупнейших форекс-брокеров России. Брокер был основан в 2007 году и на данный момент имеет широкую сеть представительств и офисов — более 260 по всему миру. Не отстает Instaforex от других брокеров в части спонсорства спортивных команд и мероприятий, являясь спонсором футбольных клубов «Ливерпуль» и «Палермо», Дортмундской Боруссии, а также спонсирует ралли «Париж-Дакар».
Надежность брокера заключается в том, что все денежные средства клиентов хранятся на отдельных сегрегированных счетах (Денежные средства хранятся отдельно от средств компании). Еще из преимуществ для клиента, можно выделить развитые системы ПАММ-счетов и копи-трейдинга, а также интересные бонусные условия. Например, самый большой бездепозитный бонус 1500 долларов.
Награды instaforex
- 2020 — Самый активный брокер в Азии по версии AtoZ Markets
- 2019 — Лучший брокер Восточной Европы
- 2018 — Лучшая Форекс-платформа для торговли криптовалютой от UK Forex Awards
- 2018 — Лучший ECN-брокер Азии по версии IBM
- 2018 — Лучший брокер Форекс Восточной Европы по версии Le Fonti Awards.
Best Forex Brokers for 2023
ForexBrokers.com has been reviewing online forex brokers for over six years, and our reviews are the most cited in the industry. Each year, we collect thousands of data points and publish tens of thousands of words of research. Here’s how we test.
Are you looking to speculate that the Euro (EUR) currency will go up in value against the U.S. Dollar (USD)? To do so, you would trade (or place a spread bet on) the EUR/USD currency pair, which is a forex investment. The forex market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, representing every global currency with trading conducted 24 hours a day, five days a week.
To trade forex, you need a reputable online broker. Trading with a trusted forex broker is a crucial factor for success in international currency markets. As a contract for difference (CFD) trader or forex investor, you may have specific needs related to which platform, trading tools, or research requirements you have. Understanding more about your investment style needs can help determine which forex broker will be best for you.
Each year, our team here at ForexBrokers.com tests the biggest names in foreign exchange and assembles a guide to the best forex brokers for forex and CFDs trading. Here are our findings for 2023.
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74% and 89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Best Forex Brokers for 2023
- IG — Best overall broker, most trusted
- Saxo Bank — Best web-based trading platform
- Interactive Brokers — Great overall, best for professionals
- CMC Markets — Excellent overall, best platform technology
- TD Ameritrade — Best desktop platform, U.S. only
- FOREX.com — Excellent all-round offering
- City Index — Excellent all-round offering
5.0 Overall
Best overall broker, most trusted
Minimum Deposit | £250.00 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 19537 |
IG offers the ultimate comprehensive trading package, featuring excellent trading and research tools, industry-leading education, and an extensive range of tradeable markets. Read full review
- Outstanding platforms and tools
- Over 19,000 tradeable instruments
- Competitive pricing
- No predefined layouts on the flagship web platform
- Limited product range on MT4
5.0 Overall
Best web-based trading platform
Minimum Deposit | €2,000 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 70000 |
Saxo Bank is an exclusive multi-asset broker with brilliant research and a superb trading platform experience – as well as a stunning selection of over 40,000 securities. Read full review
- Flagship platform is top of the line
- Over 40,000 tradeable instruments
- Excellent customer service
- High minimum deposit
5.0 Overall
Great overall, best for professionals
Minimum Deposit | $0 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 8500 |
Interactive Brokers is a highly trusted multi-asset broker with an extensive offering of tradeable global markets. It delivers competitive fees and high-quality research and education, as well as a modern, institutional-grade trading platform suite. Read full review
- Robust platform for professional traders
- Wide range of global markets
- Thorough research offering
- Trader Workstation platform is likely too complicated for inexperienced traders
5.0 Overall
Excellent overall, best platform technology
Minimum Deposit | $0 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 12074 |
CMC Markets is well-trusted across the globe, and delivers a terrific trading experience thanks to its excellent pricing and selection of over 12,000 tradeable instruments. Read full review
- Low trading costs
- Excellent web and mobile platforms
- Robust research materials
- Educational offering could be improved
5.0 Overall
Best desktop platform, U.S. only
Minimum Deposit | $0 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 0 |
TD Ameritrade’s thinkorswim platform offers over 70 tradeable currency pairs alongside a plethora of impressive tools, research, and education. For traders in the U.S., TD Ameritrade provides the ultimate trading technology experience. Read full review
- Outstanding platform in thinkorswim
- Thorough research offerings
- Excellent educational materials
- Does not offer copy trading
- Forex pricing is slightly higher than industry average
5.0 Overall
Excellent all-round offering
Minimum Deposit | $100 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 5500 |
FOREX.com is a trusted brand that delivers an excellent trading experience for forex and CFDs traders across the globe. It offers a wide range of markets and provides an impressive suite of proprietary platforms – alongside limited access to MetaTrader. Read full review
- Multiple high-quality platforms
- Excellent market research
- Wide range of markets
- Only about 600 instruments are available on the MT5 platform, compared to over 4,500 on non-MetaTrader platforms
5.0 Overall
Excellent all-round offering
Minimum Deposit | £100.00 |
Trust Score | 99 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 13500 |
Backed by StoneX Group, City Index is a trusted brand known for its versatile trading platforms, excellent mobile app, diverse market research, and extensive range of tradeable markets. Read full review
- Excellent platforms and mobile app
- Extensive range of markets
- High-quality market research
- Pricing is average for the industry
- Limited product range on MT4
5.0 Overall
Great research and education
Minimum Deposit | $0 |
Trust Score | 96 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 6010 |
As a trusted multi-asset broker, XTB offers outstanding customer service, a wide variety of forex and CFDs, and an excellent overall trading experience. Its xStation 5 trading platform is well-designed and packed with innovative features, and XTB’s offers comprehensive educational content and market research. Read full review
- xStation 5 platform is an industry standout
- Robust selection of trading tools
- Excellent customer service
- Pricing is just average
500,000+ Forex traders globally
(81% of retail CFD accounts lose money)
4.5 Overall
Best for copy and crypto trading
Minimum Deposit | $10-$10,000 |
Trust Score | 90 |
Tradeable Symbols (Total) | 3479 |
eToro is a winner for its easy-to-use copy-trading platform, where traders can copy the trades of experienced investors – or receive exclusive perks for sharing their own trading strategies. Read full review
- Large number of investors to copy
- Extensive range of markets to trade
- User-friendly platforms and app
- No automated trading strategies
- Stops, limits mandatory on trades
- Research trails competitors
2023 Annual Award Winners — Overall
Results for the ForexBrokers.com Annual Awards are unbiased and determined by our own independent research; Broker Awards are bestowed based on demonstrated excellence in categories considered important to investors, traders, and consumers.
After gathering and validating thousands of data points across 100+ important variables, poring over our collected quantitative data, and factoring in the qualitative observations and qualified opinions of our expert researchers, we are proud to announce the top three forex brokers of 2023:
Winner: IG
Regulated and trusted across the globe, IG offers traders the ultimate package of excellent trading and research tools, industry-leading education, comprehensive market research, and an extensive list of tradeable products. This fantastic all-round experience makes IG the best overall broker in 2023.
- Trust: Founded in 1974, IG is publicly traded (LON: IGG) and regulated in eight Tier-1 jurisdictions, making it a safe broker (low-risk) for forex and CFDs trading. All jurisdictions considered, we ranked IG as the most trusted forex and CFDs broker for our 2023 Annual Awards.
- Commissions: IG uses its size to provide traders with consistent pricing across the board — regardless of the product you trade — and shines for its active trader pricing available through its Forex Direct accounts.
- Forex trading platforms: While IG also offers MetaTrader and premium MT4 add-ons from FX Blue, only 76 tradeable instruments are available. There’s no question; IG’s flagship platform is the better choice between the two, and offers an extensive range of tradeable markets.
Runner-Up: Saxo Bank
For traders who can afford the steep $2,000 minimum deposit (GBP 500 for the U.K.), Saxo Bank offers fair pricing, excellent trading platforms, phenomenal research, reliable customer service, and over 60,000 instruments to trade.
- Trust: Founded in 1992, Saxo Bank operates multiple regulated banks and is licensed in seven Tier-1 jurisdictions, making it a safe broker (low-risk) for trading forex and CFDs.
- Commissions: Saxo Bank provides traders with excellent all-around pricing. For active traders (and those with large account balances), Saxo Bank offers competitive pricing in its Platinum and VIP accounts, which require a $200,000 and $1 million balance, respectively.
- Forex trading platforms: The entire Saxo Bank client experience is absolutely brilliant. Alongside access to 60,000 tradeable instruments, Saxo Bank’s flagship SaxoTraderGo platform is terrific, and includes everything traders require to navigate the market. Saxo Bank also offers third-party platforms such as TradingView, the globally popular platform with advanced charting capabilities. Learn more by checking out our TradingView guide.
Podium finisher: Interactive Brokers
Interactive Brokers is a highly trusted multi-asset broker with an extensive offering of tradeable global markets. It delivers competitive fees and high-quality research and education, as well as a modern, institutional-grade trading platform suite.
- Trust: Founded in 1977, Interactive Brokers is publicly traded (NASDAQ: IBKR) and regulated in nine Tier-1 jurisdictions. Interactive Brokers is well-capitalized with USD 373.8 billion of ending client equity and USD 10.01 billion of equity capital.
- Commissions: Interactive Brokers offers competitive pricing, aggregating prices from 17 of the world’s largest interbank forex dealers. Instead of marking up spreads, Interactive Brokers charges a commission per trade, which ranges from $16 to $40 per million round turn ($8 to $20 per side).
- Forex trading platforms:Interactive Brokers stands out for its trading platforms, which include its flagship desktop software – Trader Workstation (TWS) – and mobile trading app – IBKR Mobile – both of which provide access to advanced trading tools and global financial markets (including forex and CFDs).
Best Forex Trading Platforms
We’ve conducted thorough testing of the best trading platforms offered by dozens of the top forex brokers in the industry. Of the 60+ brokers that we’ve evaluated, we’ve selected our top picks for brokers that provide the best trading platform experience and listed them below (click on the broker’s name if you want to read our full-length broker review):
- Saxo Bank — Best VIP client experience
- IG — Most trusted, great for beginners
- CMC Markets — Best platform technology
- Interactive Brokers — Best for professionals
- TD Ameritrade FX — Best desktop platform (U.S. only)
- FXCM — Great for algorithmic traders
- FOREX.com — Award-winning performance analytics tools
What does a forex broker do?
A forex broker is a company that is licensed (or considered exempt) by a national regulator to grant you — as a retail or professional client — the ability to buy or sell foreign currencies, by way of an online trading platform or over the phone (known in the industry as voice broking). A forex broker may offer you the underlying currency, or a non-deliverable spot contract or derivative such as a contract for difference, or CFD, depending on any relevant country-specific regulatory restrictions. It’s important to only use brokers that are properly regulated to reduce your risk of being scammed.
Do I need a broker for forex?
Yes, to trade forex you’ll need to use a forex broker. You’ll need to open an account and deposit enough collateral (margin) to enable you to place orders with your broker to buy or sell forex.
The forex broker’s job is to execute your orders — either internally by acting as the principal to your trade (market maker execution) or by sending your orders to another market, thus acting as your agent (agency execution).
Your broker should be regulated and properly licensed in your country of residence (or in a major financial center). We’ve included a few important questions that are worth asking to help determine if your forex broker is trustworthy:
- Does the broker have adequate financial operating capital?
- How long has the broker been in operation?
- Does the broker hold proper regulatory licenses in the countries where it operates, and is it in compliance with local laws?
security Find a trustworthy broker:
ForexBroker.com’s proprietary Trust Score ranks forex brokers based on their reliability and overall trust. We evaluate and track dozens international regulatory agencies; click here to learn more about Trust Score.
How much money do you need to start trading forex?
The specific amount of money you’ll need for trading forex will depend on multiple factors, such as your personal financial situation, your trading goals, and your tolerance (or appetite) for risk.
Beginner forex traders might start trading forex with as little as $100, while it’s not uncommon for professional day traders to have six or even seven-figure trading accounts. If you are a beginner, you’ll first need to determine if forex trading is suitable for you. Check out our guide to trading forex for beginners here.
The next step will be deciding on your trading budget. This is especially important given the risks involved in trading forex from a margin account. Forex brokers typically offer a range of contract sizes so you can fine-tune the size of your trade – which will determine how much risk you are taking for a given profit target.
A micro account with a low margin requirement would make it possible to trade forex and test a trading strategy with as little as $100 of risk capital. In this case, your potential risk will be limited – but so will your potential rewards. Trading forex with a small amount of risk capital can let you test a new investment methodology, or allow beginner traders who are new to forex trading to learn by trial and error without “breaking the bank.”
Regardless of your trading budget, you’ll need to choose a dependable method for depositing and withdrawing funds for your live trading account. PayPal has grown in popularity as a way to fund forex trading accounts, due to its extensive international presence and wide range of supported currencies. Head over to our guide to the best PayPal forex brokers to learn more about using PayPal to fund your account, and to see our list of the best forex brokers that accept PayPal.
percent Pro tip:
For most beginners, trading forex with an amount of capital that you can afford to lose can be a great way to learn with less risk, and can be of value if you focus on the percentage returns rather than their dollar value.
Which broker is the best for forex?
IG took first place for our 2023 Annual Awards as the best overall forex broker, with 100 available currency pairs and the ability to trade CFDs and forex options, traders have plenty of choices. IG is the only broker that is regulated in both Switzerland and the U.S., in addition to nearly a dozen global licenses — making IG one of the most trusted brokers.
Who is the biggest forex broker in the world?
IC Markets is the largest forex broker by trading volume, with over $774 billion in forex trading volume in the third quarter of 2021 alone, according to data compiled by Finance Magnates. IC Markets is also well-known as an excellent option for algorithmic traders due to its great pricing and execution. Check out our full-length review of IC Markets, and algo traders (or traders who want to learn about HFT systems) can check out our popular guide to high-frequency trading.
expand What does it mean to be the biggest forex broker?
What can be considered the largest forex broker may vary depending on the time period used to measure size. Important factors to consider when gauging the size of a forex broker are the assets under management, number of clients, and market capitalization (valuation for public companies).
What are the top 10 forex brokers?
Here are the top 10 brokers by forex and CFD trading volume according to data compiled by Finance Magnates during the third quarter of 2021 (data excludes Japan due to the abnormally high trading volumes known to come from Japanese brokers):
Which forex broker has the best trading platform?
CMC Market’s Next Generation platform comes with a massive selection of nearly 10,000 tradeable instruments. It delivers a terrific user experience, as well as advanced tools, comprehensive market research, and an excellent mobile app. Hands down, the CMC Markets Next Generation trading platform is a market leader that will impress even the pickiest of traders. The new Dynamic Trading tool allows you to place multiple trades simultaneously, which was a nice innovation by CMC Markets this year.
smartphone Mobile forex trading
Best forex brokers for different styles of trading
What do you value most in a forex broker? Maybe you want to trade forex on the go. You might be looking for the most cost-effective forex brokers. Or maybe you are a beginner forex trader who is just getting started.
With a wide range of forex brokers comes a wide variety of features and specialties. To help you find the best forex broker for what you’re looking for, we’ve listed our top picks for some of the most sought-after features in the forex industry.
- menu_book Great for beginners — IG’s vast selection of educational materials (it even has a mobile app dedicated to trader education, called IG Academy) makes it our top choice for beginner traders. Check out our full guide on the best forex brokers for beginners here.
- smartphone Excellent trading app — Saxo Bank’s SaxoTraderGO mobile app boasts an impressive, intelligent design, paired with an abundance of useful information that makes it easy for traders to make clear-headed decisions, making it our top trading app. Check out our full guide to the best forex trading apps here.
- groups Social copy trading — Interested in following the trades of expert forex traders? eToro deftly merges self-directed trading and copy trading into a sleek, unified trading experience. Copy traders can read our full social copy trading guide here.
- euro Low costs — Of Tickmill’s three accounts (Classic, Pro, and VIP), it was the competitive commission-based pricing for professionals available through its VIP and PRO accounts that helped Tickmill finish 1st overall for Commissions and Fees. Take a look at our full guide dedicated to low-cost and zero spread brokers here.
- app_shortcut MetaTrader — IC Markets’ MetaTrader offering includes an impressive range of third-party research and trading tool plugins, which helped IC Markets earn our pick for the best MetaTrader broker. Read our full MetaTrader guide, and learn more about the newest version of MetaTrader with our guide to the Best MetaTrader 5 Brokers.
- currency_bitcoin Crypto trading — eToro’s easy-to-use copy trading platform and its large number of available crypto assets made eToro our top pick for both crypto and copy trading for our 2023 Annual Awards. Check out our guide that covers crypto trading and the best bitcoin brokers here.
- laptop_mac Mac Compatible Brokers — Saxo Bank — Streamlined designs and robust trading tools make Saxo’s desktop platform, SaxoTraderPRO, a winner. Mac users should take a look at our guide to the best forex trading platforms for Mac devices.
Which forex broker offers the most CFDs?
Saxo Bank offers the most tradeable CFDs in the industry, with a staggering 60,000+ tradeable symbols available. CFDs, or «contracts for difference,» enable traders to speculate whether the price of a stock, forex pair, market index, or commodity will go up or down without taking ownership of the underlying asset. If you’d like to learn more about how CFDs work (and to see our picks for the best CFD trading platforms), check out our full-length guide to the Best CFD Brokers and Trading Platforms.
Which forex broker offers the most currency pairs?
Alongside nearly 10,000 CFDs, CMC Markets offers the most tradeable currency pairs, with 158 pairs that can be quoted both ways (i.e. EUR/USD or USD/EUR), which comes to a total of 316 pairs.
Which forex broker is best for professionals?
As a highly-trusted and regulated global brand, Interactive Brokers (IBKR) provides everything professional traders might need, from advanced trading tools and platform features to competitive pricing across a wide variety of markets, as well as connectivity to over 130 global exchanges. In addition to competitive spreads and low commission-based pricing for forex, Interactive Brokers provides more third-party research than any other broker.
Interactive Brokers continues to innovate its platform offering, such as with its new Impact app for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, alongside the related Impact dashboard available in its Trader Workstation (TWS) desktop and WebTrader platforms.
Professional client status: In today’s highly regulated forex world, traders who want to maximize their margin leverage must apply and obtain ESMA’s professional client status with their broker. Traders designated as Professionals in the EU do not receive negative balance protection and other consumer safety mechanisms such as eligibility for compensation schemes in the event of a broker’s insolvency.
To determine the best forex brokers for professional traders, we broke down each broker’s active trading program, and compared all available rebates, tiers, and all-in costs. Trading platforms were then tested for the quality and availability of advanced trading tools frequently used by professionals.
How do I choose a forex broker?
Here are three of the most important factors to keep in mind when choosing an online broker for forex trading.
- First, make sure your broker is properly licensed and regulated. The safety of your deposit is always the top priority.
- Next, compare the account offerings, trading platforms, tools, and investment research provided by each broker.
- Finally, read detailed forex broker reviews to compare pricing and product offerings (e.g., number of forex pairs and CFDs available to trade) to find what is most important to your forex trading and investment needs.
compare_arrows Compare and choose:
Not sure how to go about choosing a forex broker? Check out our Forex Broker Compare Tool to compare dozens of the biggest forex brokers in the industry and analyze their top tools and features. Our Compare Tool is fed by data gathered by our expert researchers for our forex broker reviews, so you can feel confident you have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.
How do I know if my forex broker is regulated?
It’s important to make sure that your forex broker is well-trusted and properly regulated in order to avoid forex scams. To see an intuitive, comprehensive list of highly regarded regulatory agencies, check out our Trust Score page. Also, be sure to check out our in-depth reviews of forex brokers – we detail the regulatory status of each individual forex broker across the international forex landscape.
We’ve also put together a step-by-step guide to help you determine if your forex broker is well-regulated:
- Find its license number: Identify the broker’s registration number from the disclosure text at the bottom of the broker’s homepage.
- Confirm the broker’s public profile: Look up the entity name (i.e. the legal company or brand name) on the regulator’s website to validate the registration number.
- Confirm regulatory status: We track, rate, and rank forex brokers across over 20 international regulators, and you can find the official websites of the biggest, most important international regulators on our Trust Score page.
- Global availability: Confirm that the broker can accept clients in your country of residence. If the broker lacks regulation in your home country, it’s still worth checking to see if they can legally accept clients from your country (for example, if the broker is regulated in an alternate jurisdiction that is deemed acceptable).
- Verification: Call the phone number or contact the email address listed on the regulators’ website if you have any doubts as to the legitimacy of a website or brand purporting to be regulated.
ForexBrokers.com 2023 Overall Ranking
Now that you’ve seen our picks for the best forex brokers, check out the ForexBrokers.com Overall Rankings. We’ve evaluated over 60 forex brokers, using a testing methodology that’s based on 100+ data-driven variables and thousands of data points. Check out our full-length, in-depth forex broker reviews.
Company | Overall Rating | Offering of Investments | Commissions & Fees | Platform & Tools | Research | Education | Mobile Trading | Trust Score | Visit Site |
![]() | 99 | ||||||||
Saxo Bank | 99 | ||||||||
![]() | 99 | ||||||||
![]() | 99 | ||||||||
![]() | 99 | ||||||||
FOREX.com | 99 | ||||||||
City Index | 99 | ||||||||
![]() | 96 | Visit Site |
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At ForexBrokers.com, our evaluations of online brokers and their products and services are based on our collected quantitative data as well as the qualitative observations and qualified opinions of our expert researchers. Each year we publish tens of thousands of words of research on the online forex brokerage industry, and we evaluate dozens of international regulator agencies (click here to learn about how we calculate Trust Score).
Our research team, led by Steven Hatazkis, conducts thorough testing on a range of features, including each broker’s individual products, services, and tools (collecting and validating thousands of data points in the process). We test all available trading platforms for each broker – whether they are proprietary or come from third-party providers – and evaluate them based on a host of data-driven variables.
We also take an in-depth look at each broker’s commissions and fees, such as bid/ask spreads – including the average spread data for some of the most popular forex currency pairs. We research other trading costs, such as inactivity or custody fees, minimum deposit requirements, VIP rebates and/or discounts, and an exhaustive list of other important fee-based data points.
Some of the other important research categories that are factored into our testing include mobile trading accessibility and capability, availability of market research and educational content, and each broker’s overall Trust Score.
All websites and web-based platforms are tested using the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. Our Desktop PCs run Windows 11, and we use MacBook Pro laptops running macOS 12.5 to test trading on the go.
We also test on mobile devices; for Apple, we test using the iPhone XS running iOS 16, and for Android we use the Samsung Galaxy S9+ and Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra devices running Android OS 13.
All content on ForexBrokers.com is handwritten by a writer, fact-checked by a member of our research team, and edited and published by an editor. Generative AI tools are not a part of our content creation or product testing processes. Our ratings, rankings, and opinions are entirely our own, and the result of our extensive research and decades of collective experience covering the forex industry. Read our Generative AI policy to learn more.
Ultimately, our rigorous data validation process yields an error rate of less than .1% each year, providing site visitors with quality data they can trust. For a full explanation and accounting of our research and testing process, please click here to learn more about how we test.
Forex Risk Disclaimer
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities. With respect to margin-based foreign exchange trading, off-exchange derivatives, and cryptocurrencies, there is considerable exposure to risk, including but not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility that may substantially affect the price, or liquidity of a currency or related instrument. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable, or that they will not result in losses. Read more on forex trading risks.
About the Editorial Team
Steven Hatzakis is the Global Director of Research for ForexBrokers.com. Steven previously served as an Editor for Finance Magnates, where he authored over 1,000 published articles about the online finance industry. A forex industry expert and an active fintech and crypto researcher, Steven advises blockchain companies at the board level and holds a Series III license in the U.S. as a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA).
Blain Reinkensmeyer has 20 years of trading experience with over 2,500 trades placed during that time. He heads research for all U.S.-based brokerages on StockBrokers.com and is respected by executives as the leading expert covering the online broker industry. Blain’s insights have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the Chicago Tribune, among other media outlets.
John Bringans is the Senior Editor of ForexBrokers.com. An experienced media professional, John has close to a decade of editorial experience with a background that includes key leadership roles at global newsroom outlets. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature from San Francisco State University, and conducts research on forex and the financial services industry while assisting in the production of content.
Joey Shadeck is the Content Strategist and Research Analyst for ForexBrokers.com. He holds dual degrees in Finance and Marketing from Oakland University, and has been an active trader and investor for close to ten years. An industry veteran, Joey obtains and verifies data, conducts research, and analyzes and validates our content.
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